You took the tunnel route home
You've never taken that way with me before
Did you feel the need for change?
Apologies on your fingernails
Love flickered in the city of lights,
Like intermittent radio waves
I don't need your tears
I don't want your love
I just gotta get home
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
You went where the horses cry
You've never taken that way with me before
Did you feel the need for change?
Guilt smeared across your lips
I was tired and cold from the window
You're tired, nothing has changed
I don't need your tears
I don't want your love
I just gotta get home
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
White Lies
You've never taken that way with me before
Did you feel the need for change?
Apologies on your fingernails
Love flickered in the city of lights,
Like intermittent radio waves
I don't need your tears
I don't want your love
I just gotta get home
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
You went where the horses cry
You've never taken that way with me before
Did you feel the need for change?
Guilt smeared across your lips
I was tired and cold from the window
You're tired, nothing has changed
I don't need your tears
I don't want your love
I just gotta get home
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
And I feel like I'm breaking up, and I wanted to stay
Headlights on the hillside, don't take me this way
I don't want you to hold me, I don't want you to pray
This is bigger than us
White Lies
bezz whoo lagu nie, dgr kt tv smalam trus mnat kot, then bler dgr balik, rse aq taw sper yg mnat lgu nie b4 aq,hahahaa, liriknye bnyak makne n inspirasi kt aq, video clip pun samad, nie lah british style..haha
Asalnyer aq ingt nie band +44, sbb vokalis die sebijik mcm Mark Hoppus[muzik pun same], beza rmbut jer, tpi bler ingt balik +44 dh stop jap sbb Blink 182 dh reunion balik kan, aq cari balik lagu nie, vokalisnyer rupenyer Harry Mcveigh, vokalis Fear of Flying, yg besernyer maen sebagai as sideband utk konsert2 besar, skunk diorang lak dah famous kan, hahahaha, gempak la, baru 3thun tubuh...fuhhhh
p/s: act. Fear of Flying tu nama asal band White lies, diorang tukar name sejak wat 1st record utk EP diorang , *bkak magazine lame2 cari balik,
Asalnyer aq ingt nie band +44, sbb vokalis die sebijik mcm Mark Hoppus[muzik pun same], beza rmbut jer, tpi bler ingt balik +44 dh stop jap sbb Blink 182 dh reunion balik kan, aq cari balik lagu nie, vokalisnyer rupenyer Harry Mcveigh, vokalis Fear of Flying, yg besernyer maen sebagai as sideband utk konsert2 besar, skunk diorang lak dah famous kan, hahahaha, gempak la, baru 3thun tubuh...fuhhhh
p/s: act. Fear of Flying tu nama asal band White lies, diorang tukar name sejak wat 1st record utk EP diorang , *bkak magazine lame2 cari balik,
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